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// ==UserScript== // @name [🔥CRYPTICTECH SHELL SHOCKERS ADMIN PANEL!!🔥] ShellShockers Hack by CrypticX✓ // @namespace // @version 4.1.0 // @description INVISIBILITY, EGG SIZE, SPEED, AIM ASSIST!! ENJOY YOUR OWN PERSONAL ADMIN PANEL!! // @author CrypticX // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @license CDDL-1.0 // @grant none // @compatible chrome Only with Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey. // @compatible edge Only in Edge 79+ with Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey. // @compatible firefox Only in Firefox 56+ with Tampermonkey. // @compatible opera Only with Tampermonkey. // @require // ==/UserScript== (function() { const addScript = () => { document.title = 'CrypticTech'; }; document.body ? addScript() : document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", e => addScript()); })(); (function() { let ping = document.getElementById('ping'); const getPing = ()=>{ try{return parseInt(ping.innerText.toLowerCase().replace('ms', ''))}catch(e){ document.getElementById('ping'); return 40}}; let lastShotSpread = 0; WebSocket = class extends WebSocket{ constructor(a){ console.log(a); super(...arguments); } send(){ //console.log(arguments[0]); super.send(...arguments); } set onmessage(callback){ const oldHook = callback; callback = function(e){ // console.log(; return oldHook.apply(this, arguments); } super.onmessage = callback; } } 'use strict'; const oldDefine = Object.defineProperty; Object.defineProperty = function(a,b,c){ if(arguments[1]=="collisionMask" || b == "collisionMask"){ } return oldDefine.apply(this,arguments); } window.players = new Map(); window.myPlayer = null; var push = Array.prototype.push; window.settings = { FreezeFrame:false, WireFrame:false, AimAssist: "Updating", ESP: "Bolded Colorized Outline", Render:1, Creator:"CrypticX", Collaborator:"TDStuart", Programmers:"Cryo & Sadly", Speed:1, Recoil:1, aimbot:false, Invisibility:1, ToggleAim:'KeyF', FreeSkins: function () { }, EggSize:1, BulletSpeeds:"Default", GreasyFork: function() { if (confirm("Do you really wish to go to this link?")) { window.location=''; } }, Instagram: function() { if (confirm("Do you really wish to go to this link?")) { window.location=''; } }, TikTok: function() { if (confirm("Do you really wish to go to this link?")) { window.location=''; } }, YouTube: function() { if (confirm("Do you really wish to go to this link?")) { window.location=''; } }, ReloadPage: function () { if (confirm("Do you really want to perform this action?")) { } } } let nameFind = setInterval(function(){ if(document.getElementsByClassName("ss_field fullwidth")[0].value){ window.settings.myName = document.getElementsByClassName("ss_field fullwidth")[0].value; } },1000) document.addEventListener('keydown', (e)=>{ if(e.code===window.settings.ToggleAim) window.settings.aimbot=false; }) document.addEventListener('keyup', (e)=>{ if(e.code===window.settings.ToggleAim) window.settings.aimbot=false; }) Array.prototype.push = function(data) { try{ //console.log(this); if(arguments[0].origin || this.origin){}; if(arguments[0].player && arguments[0].id){ arguments[0].player.HACK_VISIBLE = true; window.players.set(arguments[0], arguments[0].player); } }catch(e){} return push.apply(this, arguments); } const getNearest = (myPlayer, them) => { let nearest = {object:null,dist:999}; them.forEach((obj, ts) =>{ if(!obj){}; if(!obj.derp &&{ Object.defineProperty(, 'renderingGroupId', { get: () => { return window.settings.Invisibility; } }); const setVis =; = function(args){ obj.HACK_VISIBLE = args; if(window.settings.ESP){ return setVis.apply(this,[true]); }else{ return setVis.apply(this,arguments); } } obj.derp =true; } if({ = {x:window.settings.EggSize, y:window.settings.EggSize, z:window.settings.EggSize} } if(obj && != && obj.hp > 0 && ( == 0 || ( !={ let dist = calcDist2d(myPlayer, obj); if(dist < nearest.dist){ nearest.dist=dist; nearest.object=obj; } }else{}; }) return nearest; } const calcDist2d = (player1, player2)=>{return Math.sqrt((player1.x-player2.x)**2 + (player1.y-player2.y)**2 + (player1.z-player2.z)**2)}; window.angleDistance =(player1, player2)=>{ let angle = window.getAngle(player1, player2); const angleDist = Math.sqrt((player1.yaw - angle.yaw)**2 + (player1.pitch - angle.pitch)**2); return angleDist*window.dist3d(player1, player2); } window.getTargetAngle = function(angle){ if (angle < 0) angle += Math.PI * 2; if (angle < 0) angle += Math.PI * 2; if (angle < 0) angle += Math.PI * 2; if (angle - Math.PI * 2 > 0) angle -= Math.PI * 2; if (angle - Math.PI * 2 > 0) angle -= Math.PI * 2; if (angle - Math.PI * 2 > 0) angle -= Math.PI * 2; }; window.getTargetDelta = function(them, us, dist){ return {x: them.x - us.x + 2*(them.dx * dist / us.weapon.subClass.velocity), y: them.y - us.y - 0.072, z: them.z - us.z + 2*( * dist / us.weapon.subClass.velocity), }; }; class SeededRandom{ constructor(){}; setSeed(e) { this.seed = e } getFloat(e, t) { return e = e || 0, t = t || 1, this.seed = (9301 * this.seed + 49297) % 233280, e + this.seed / 233280 * (t - e) } getInt(e, t) { return Math.floor(this.seededRandom(e, t)) } } const adjustedTarget = function(delta, us, Dss, Dt) { delta = new BABYLON.Vector3(delta.x, delta.y, delta.z).normalize(); const desiredMat = BABYLON.Matrix.Translation(delta.x, delta.y, delta.z); let shotSpread_per_MS = Dss / Dt; let spread = us.shotSpread - shotSpread_per_MS*getPing()/5 + us.weapon.inaccuracy; //var spread = 0; if(spread < 0.1){return delta}; if (isNaN(spread)) { spread = 0; } const rgenCopy = new SeededRandom(); rgenCopy.setSeed(us.randomGen.seed); const spreadInverseMat = BABYLON.Matrix.RotationYawPitchRoll( (rgenCopy.getFloat() - 0.5) * spread, (rgenCopy.getFloat() - 0.5) * spread, (rgenCopy.getFloat() - 0.5) * spread).invert(); const newAimVector = desiredMat.multiply(spreadInverseMat).getTranslation(); return newAimVector; }; window.lookAtHead = function(us, target, dist, Dss, Dt) { const delta = window.getTargetDelta(target, us, dist); let newAimVector = adjustedTarget(delta, us, Dss, Dt); const newYaw = Math.radRange(-Math.atan2(newAimVector.z, newAimVector.x) + Math.PI / 2) const newPitch = Math.clamp(-Math.asin(newAimVector.y), -1.5, 1.5); us.pitch || newPitch || 0 us.yaw = newYaw || 0 } window.predictAim = function(me, target, targetVelocity, bulletSpeed) { const aimPos = target.add(targetVelocity.scale(BABYLON.Vector3.Distance(me, target) / bulletSpeed) ); return aimPos; } const clearRect =requestAnimationFrame; let update =; requestAnimationFrame = function(){ window.players.forEach((obj, ts) =>{ if({ window.myPlayer = obj; window.players.delete(; } }); if(window.myPlayer){ const deltaShotSpread = myPlayer.shotSpread - lastShotSpread; const deltaTime = - update; update =; lastShotSpread = myPlayer.shotSpread; if(!window.settings.FreezeFrame){ Object.defineProperty(window.myPlayer.scene.cameras[0], 'Speed', { get: () => { return window.settings.Speed; } }); window.settings.FreezeFrame=true; Object.defineProperty(window.myPlayer.scene, 'forceWireframe', { get: () => { return window.settings.WireFrame; } }); window.settings.HasPwned=true; window.settings.FreeSkins=true; } let ret = getNearest(window.myPlayer, window.players); if(ret.object && window.settings.aimbot){ window.lookAtHead(window.myPlayer, ret.object, ret.dist, deltaShotSpread, deltaTime); }else{ } } return clearRect.apply(this,arguments); } //Credit: TDStuart function espCalc(){ ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); var box_size_x=2; var box_size_y=2.5; function calcDistance(mx, my, mz, ex, ey, ez) { return Math.sqrt((mx - ex) ** 2 + (my - ey) ** 2 + (mz - ez) ** 2) }; for(var ply = 0; ply < players.length; ply++) { var plys = players[ply]; if(plys != undefined) { if( != { var distance = calcDistance(me.x, me.y, me.z, plys.x, plys.y, plys.z); if( != && plys["playing"] && plys["hp"] > 0) { var aim_pitch; var aim_yaw; var mx = me.x; var my = me.y; var mz = me.z; var ex = plys.x; var ey = plys.y; var ez = plys.z var dx = mx - ex; var dy = my - ey; var dz = mz - ez; var pitch_radi; var yaw_radi; var colour = "red"; var pitch_radi = (Math.atan2(dy, Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dz * dz))); var yaw_radi = -1 * (Math.atan2(dz, dx) - 1.57); if(dy >= 0) { yaw_radi += Math.PI; } else { yaw_radi -= Math.PI; } var ANG = yaw_radi - me.yaw var A = ex - mx; var B = ez - mz; var XZ = Math.sqrt(A ** 2 + B ** 2); var DZ = Math.sin(ANG) * XZ; var DX = Math.cos(ANG) * XZ var DF = Math.tan(FOV / 2) * DX; var W = c.width / 2; var H = c.height / 2; var WX = W + ((DZ / DF) * W) var ANGY = pitch_radi - me.pitch; var AY = ey - my; var XY = Math.sqrt(A ** 2 + AY ** 2); var DY = Math.sin(ANGY) * XY; var DFY = Math.cos(FOV / 2) * DY; var WY = ((c.height / 2) + (-1) * ((me.pitch - pitch_radi)) * (500)) - distance * 0.6; function drawBorder(xPos, yPos, width, height, clr) { thickness = 1; ctx.fillStyle = clr; ctx.fillRect(xPos - (thickness), yPos - (thickness), width + (thickness * 3), height + (thickness * 3)); ctx.fillStyle = clr; ctx.clearRect(xPos + thickness, yPos + thickness, width - thickness, height - thickness); } function drawLine(x, y, clr) { if(x >= 0 && x <= c.width && y >= 0 && y <= c.height) { ctx.fillStyle = clr; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(c.width / 2, c.height / 2); ctx.lineTo(x, y); ctx.strokeStyle = clr; ctx.stroke(); } } function drawText(text, x, y, clr) { ctx.font = "14px Georgia"; ctx.fillStyle = clr; ctx.fillText(, x, y); } if ( == 0) { colour = "#ff0000" }; if (plys["team"] == 1) { colour = "#0000ff" }; if (plys["team"] == 2) { colour = "#ff0000" }; var angd = yaw_radi - (me.yaw) var degrees_me_y = me.yaw * (180 / Math.PI); var degrees_them_y = yaw_radi * (180 / Math.PI); if(degrees_them_y > 360) { degrees_them_y = degrees_them_y - 360 } if(degrees_them_y < 0) { ndegrees_them_y = degrees_them_y * -1; } var diffy = ((degrees_me_y) - degrees_them_y) if(diffy < -300 || diffy > 250 || (diffy >= -70 && diffy <= 70)) { if (true) { drawBorder(WX, WY, box_size_x / (distance / 100), box_size_y / (distance / 100), colour) drawLine(WX, WY, colour) drawText(, WX, WY, colour) } } } } } } } datgui(); function datgui(){ let gui = new dat.GUI({ autoplace: false, width: 300, height: 9 * 32 - 1 }); // Settings let guiSettings = gui.addFolder('CrypticTech Admin Panel'); guiSettings.add(window.settings, 'AimAssist').onChange(); guiSettings.add(window.settings, 'ESP').onChange();; guiSettings.add(window.settings, 'ReloadPage').onChange((e)=>{ window.location.reload(); });; guiSettings = gui.addFolder('Frame Settings'); guiSettings.add(window.settings, 'WireFrame').onChange((e)=>{ window.settings.WireFrame=e; alert('WireFrame Has Been Activated!!❤️'); }); guiSettings.add(window.settings, 'FreezeFrame').onChange((e)=>{ window.settings.FreezeFrame=e; alert('Do you really want to perform this action?'); }); guiSettings = gui.addFolder('Player Settings'); guiSettings.add(window.settings, 'Invisibility',1,5).step(0.1).onChange((e)=>{ window.settings.Invisibility=e; }); guiSettings.add(window.settings, 'EggSize',1,20).step(1).onChange((e)=>{ window.settings.EggSize=e; }); guiSettings.add(window.settings, 'Speed', 1,3).step(0.1).onChange((e)=>{ window.settings.Speed=e; }); guiSettings.add(window.settings, 'Render',0,10).step(1).onChange((e)=>{ window.settings.Render=e; }); guiSettings.add(window.settings, 'Recoil',0,4).step(0.4).onChange((e)=>{ window.settings.Recoil=e; }); guiSettings = gui.addFolder('Follow My Socials!! 💬'); guiSettings.add(window.settings, 'Instagram').onChange((e)=>{ }); guiSettings.add(window.settings, 'TikTok').onChange((e)=>{ }); guiSettings.add(window.settings, 'YouTube').onChange((e)=>{ });; guiSettings = gui.addFolder('Credits'); guiSettings.add(window.settings, 'Creator').onChange((e)=>{ }); guiSettings.add(window.settings, 'Collaborator').onChange((e)=>{ }); guiSettings.add(window.settings, 'Programmers').onChange((e)=>{ });; document.getElementsByClassName("dg ac")[0].style.zIndex=9999; return gui; } })();